Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Specialist
Create algorithms to make predictions on production, technological and industrial capacities with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (AI / ML).
Course Description
With the Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Specialist course you can teach a software to learn independently and make predictions based on the available data. Thanks to this knowledge you will help companies and institutions to improve information processing and production line processes.
The course
- Duration: 2 years
- Training: 1200 hours
- Stage: 800 hours
- Location: Milano, Via B. Crespi 30
- Language: Italian
The course prepares expert Machine Learning technicians with in-depth knowledge of the main software and programming languages oriented towards artificial intelligence.
What if, once the data has been collected, the software begins to improve by itself the performance and organization of a production line and the analysis of all the information? This is exactly what can be achieved through Machine Learning, a branch of artificial intelligence with enormous potential.
With the ITS Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Specialist course you will be able to acquire notions of software automation systems in order to pilot autonomous industrial processes and optimize performance in an Industry 4.0 logic.
The work of a Machine Learning Specialist in fact starts from the identification of strategic objectives, and then returns an analysis of critical events to the entire operational chain. The technician works within larger working groups, thus contributing to the digital innovation process of companies thanks to the introduction of self-configuring automation systems.
In relation to the specific aspects in which they operate, these systems can be decision support tools (DSS), support tools for industrial design, tools for verifying the quality of products or services, or real products sold directly on the market.
Among the most common tasks is the identification of the relevant datasets and the configuration of the Machine Learning tools to identify the work peaks, the churn risk (i.e. the percentage of customers or subscribers who will stop using the services offered by a company for a period of time), purchase forecasts, forecasts on material movements, energy and more.
Job opportunities
At the end of the course of study, the student will obtain the qualification of Expert Technician in Machine Learning. It will therefore be able to analyze data and create algorithms capable of teaching software new automatic learning processes, as well as forecasting developments in the operational and commercial chain.
The main employment opportunities are in:
- Manufacturing companies
- Innovative startups
- ICT consulting company
- Marketing Agencies
Access requirements
In order to access the Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Specialist course, the following requirements must be met:
- Possession of one of the following qualifications:
- Secondary school diploma (preferential areas: scientific high school, computer science high school).
- Professional diploma obtained as a result of the four-year IeFP courses and IFTS Certification.
- English language (preferably B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for CEFR languages) and basic knowledge of technical English for the sector.
- Basics of logic and mathematics
- Basis of ICT processes and technologies
- Residence or domicile in Lombardy
* Some access requirements may change depending on regional directives
Duration of the course
The training course has a duration of 2 years. It is organized into 1,000 hours of training each year, for a total of 2,000 hours divided as follows:
- 1,200 hours of classroom and laboratory training
- 800 hours of training / internship
Cost of the course
To participate in the course, a contribution of € 1,000 / year is required for supplementary teaching services (technological equipment, cloud platforms…).
There are exemptions based on income or merit.
Modulo | Unità formativa | ore |
UFT01 | Efficacia personale e stile comportamentale | 16 |
UFT02 | Protezione dei dati, diritto digitale, trasformazione digitale e blockchain | 24 |
UFT03 | Diritto commerciale, diritto del lavoro e GDPR | 28 |
UFT04 | Economia e organizzazione aziendale | 52 |
UFT05 | Qualità, ambiente, salute e sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro | 16 |
UFT06 | Project Management | 24 |
UFT07 | Problem solving e creatività | 16 |
UFT08 | Design Thinking | 20 |
UFT09 | Comunicazione, capacità relazionali e costruzione del gruppo di lavoro | 24 |
UFT10 | Personal branding e orientamento al lavoro | 16 |
UFT11 | Team Working | 24 |
UFT12 | Lingua inglese e microlingua di settore | 60 |
Modulo | Unità formativa | ore |
UFS01 | Progettazione grafica, infografica, web design, UX/UI design | 76 |
UFS02 | Strumenti software per la grafica e l’impaginazione | 72 |
UFS03 | Algoritmi e Programmazione Strutturata | 28 |
UFS04 | Sviluppo web front-end | 80 |
UFS05 | Digital Video Editor | 100 |
UFS06 | Digital Marketing e Social Media | 80 |
UFS07 | Modellazione 3D e realtà virtuale | 60 |
UFS09 | Stampa digitale e stampa 3D | 40 |
PW01 | Project work | 56 |
UFS08 | Progettazione di servizi digitali | 80 |
UFS10 | Marketing one-to-one | 28 |
UFS11 | Linguaggi avanzati per lo sviluppo front-end | 76 |
UFS12 | Affiliate Marketing | 48 |
UFS13 | Content Marketing Strategy | 28 |
Do you want to know the subjects of the course?
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ITS Angelo Rizzoli is open to international exchanges and offers its students the opportunity to carry out experiences abroad. Our Institute adheres to the Erasmus program and organizes internships in several European countries.