ITS means future.
This is why we believe in training as a tool for building a successful career and future.
To access the contributions, you must participate in the specific calls published at the start of the courses. The request to participate in the call must be submitted within the deadlines indicated in the documents.
Read on and find out how to get one of ITS AR scholarships.
Scholarship for school merit
ITS rewards excellence. The scholarship for merit is intended for all students who have demonstrated ability, dedication and desire to learn.
The requirements for obtaining the scholarship for merit are:
- First year students who have achieved a high school diploma grade from 85/100 up to 100/100
- Second year students who have achieved excellent results in their ITS training, even in extra-curricular projects.
Low income scholarship
Access to training is everyone’s right.
The low income scholarship is intended for all students in possession of an Italian ISEE document (equivalent economic situation indicator) not exceeding € 20,000.
Scholarship for gender inclusion
ITS supports the #girlsdotech movement, to promote gender inclusion and attract female talent to ICT and manufacturing specialization courses.
Scholarships by gender are reserved exclusively for students enrolled in ICT courses who have distinguished themselves with excellent results.
Companies like us believe in #girlsdotech
Are you a company and want to join the #girlsdotech movement?