Collaborate with ITS Angelo Rizzoli
ITS Angelo Rizzoli has been collaborating for years with companies, teachers and schools to develop a network of concrete relationships between students, teachers and work.
Discover the opportunities for companies, teachers and schools
ITS is an institution based on concrete relationships with Italian and foreign organizations.
We base the quality of our teaching on the relationships we interlace with companies, teachers and schools, combining theoretical and practical teaching.
To join this network, select the category you belong to.
For companies
There are 3 good reasons why companies start partnerships with ITS AR.
Our Institute builds bridges between school and work, to offer young people a satisfying and full professional future.
First reason: you can train new professionals
ITS AR allows you to contribute to the training of future industry 4.0 technicians. By becoming an ITS AR partner you can host our students on curricular internships, to get to know and evaluate candidates and their potential in advance.
Second reason: you can hire specialized personnel
ITS is a link between young people and companies. You can offer a job to our young students, also through apprenticeship contracts, always counting on motivated and specialized students.
Third reason: you can bring your experience in class
Many companies have already chosen to become our partners by collaborating in the preparation of the training offer, presenting their experience during lessons and workshops and offering teaching or direct testimonials from the world of work.
If you want to bring your company’s experience to ITS AR, contact the partnership project manager.
For teachers
Our teaching methodology is the practical expression of a specific training project. Being part of the teaching staff of ITS means taking care of our students, not only to provide them with technical-specialized skills, but also to train them as individuals, persons, professionals and citizens.
If you are a professional with an aptitude for training, with up-to-date technical skills and a passion for teaching, apply to become an ITS teacher too. Remember that we are not only looking for people with consolidated knowledge, but professionals who also have the ability to involve and transfer enthusiasm to our young talents.
Become an ITS teacher
Do you want to teach abroad?
If you are already an ITS teacher but you have the dream of living a work experience abroad, send your request to participate in the Erasmus + program.
For schools
ITS AR welcomes schools and teachers of institutes of all levels in search of information on our study paths.
We open the doors to schools to help young students choose the path to take for their future education. If you want to organize an orientation day, participate in our events or request information on ITS courses, send us your request.