Big Data Specialist

Collect data, process results and help companies and institutions improve performance with Artificial Intelligence.

Course Description

With the ITS Big Data Specialist course you will learn to distinguish the various types of data and the sources from which they come. Thanks to this knowledge you will be able to build data models, combining the sources, and then proceed with their elaboration. You will learn how to extract results from large amounts of data, visualizing them with advanced Business Intelligence tools.

The course

The course prepares Technical Specialists in Big Data with skills in data analysis and in the development of algorithms for artificial intelligence systems.

Data is the oil of the new millennium. The improvement of the computing capacities of computers and the possibility of using cloud tools, now make it possible to analyze huge amounts of data in a short time, improving production and service performance.


During the course you will be able to directly experience all the phases of a project starting from the business objectives and defining the correlation between the various data sources and building the calculation algorithms necessary for the processing and representation of reports (e.g. dashboards).

You will be taught real time analysis techniques, but also the most interesting applications of predictive analysis and Artificial Intelligence. Thanks to this knowledge you will be able to anticipate trend phenomena, but also failures or accidents due to particular conditions of the production lines or environmental situations and external factors.

To complete the profile, you will be provided with specific skills related to the main management frameworks (Hadoop, Spark), development and automation environments (e.g. Jenkins, Git) SQL databases, processing languages ​​such as R, Python, Scala and Java.

Job opportunities

At the end of the course of study the student will achieve the qualification of Big Data Specialist. It will therefore be able to analyze large amounts of data and to extrapolate practical applications. The knowledge acquired will allow us to meet the great demands on the part of the labor market in companies belonging to all sectors of the market, from industry and finance to energy.

The main employment opportunities are in:

  • ICT consulting company
  • Marketing and communication agencies
  • Production companies
  • Financial companies

Access requirements

In order to access the course, the following requirements must be met:

  • Possession of one of the following qualifications:
  • Secondary school diploma (preferential areas: scientific high school, computer science high school).
  • Professional diploma obtained as a result of the four-year IeFP courses and IFTS Certification.
  • English language (preferably B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for CEFR languages) and basic knowledge of technical English for the sector.
  • Basics of logic and mathematics
  • Basis of ICT processes and technologies
  • Residence or domicile in Lombardy

* Some access requirements may change depending on regional directives

Duration of the course

The training course has a duration of 2 years, divided into 4 semesters. It is organized into 1,000 hours of training each year, for a total of 2,000 hours divided as follows:
  • 1.200 hours: classroom and lab training
  • 800 hours: internship

Cost of the course

To participate in the course, a contribution of € 1,000 / year is required for supplementary teaching services (technological equipment, cloud platforms…).

There are exemptions based on income or merit.


Modulo Unità formativa ore
UFT01 Efficacia personale e stile comportamentale 16
UFT02 Protezione dei dati, diritto digitale, trasformazione digitale e blockchain 24
UFT03 Diritto commerciale, diritto del lavoro e GDPR 28
UFT04 Economia e organizzazione aziendale 52
UFT05 Qualità, ambiente, salute e sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro 16
UFT06 Project Management 24
UFT07 Problem solving e creatività 16
UFT08 Design Thinking 20
UFT09 Comunicazione, capacità relazionali e costruzione del gruppo di lavoro 24
UFT10 Personal branding e orientamento al lavoro 16
UFT11 Team Working 24
UFT12 Lingua inglese e microlingua di settore 60


Modulo Unità formativa ore
UFS01 Progettazione grafica, infografica, web design, UX/UI design 76
UFS02 Strumenti software per la grafica e l’impaginazione 72
UFS03 Algoritmi e Programmazione Strutturata 28
UFS04 Sviluppo web front-end 80
UFS05 Digital Video Editor 100
UFS06 Digital Marketing e Social Media 80
UFS07 Modellazione 3D e realtà virtuale 60
UFS09 Stampa digitale e stampa 3D 40
PW01 Project work 56
UFS08 Progettazione di servizi digitali 80
UFS10 Marketing one-to-one 28
UFS11 Linguaggi avanzati per lo sviluppo front-end 76
UFS12 Affiliate Marketing 48
UFS13 Content Marketing Strategy 28

​​Do you want to know the subjects of the course?

Discover all the training units, click on the curriculum below

What our students say about us

Victoria Monti
In ITSAR I got hooked on the world of marketing and social media. I will continue in this sector after my diploma, I can't wait to start working.
Sabrina Militello
Two very intense years of study, but I would do it again immediately! Each topic was interesting and useful to be able to start working immediately after the course
Paolo Casati
I had the impression that once I finished my course I found a job much easier than my friends who graduated from classic universities.


Here is the answer to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Omnichannel Communication Specialist course. If you don’t find what you are looking for, contact us on this page.

The upper secondary education diploma is compulsory, but it does not need to be in the field of graphics and communication. A diploma of this type represents a preferential title, but it is not essential for enrollment purposes. Anyone with an upper secondary education diploma of any kind can enroll in the course.
To better prepare you for the entry test, we have collected a series of resources, basic courses and exercises that you can use for free. You can find all these materials on the dedicated page.

ITS Angelo Rizzoli is open to international exchanges and offers its students the opportunity to carry out experiences abroad. Our Institute adheres to the Erasmus program and organizes internships in several European countries.